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Mars Rising Publishing is all about giving the Author the ability to get their book published quickly and inexpensively without signing lengthy contracts or taking any royalties through the sales of their book. 

Being a part of the Mars Rising Network Family of companies gives us an advantage over other companies as to the quality of work we can provide for the lower price we provide for that work. We offer a full-service program with all of the service any Author would need. From a basic QuickStart Program to the more extensive custom work we can perform. 

We are partnered with many actual book editors, story editors, and illustrators. We do not utilize just any person who claims to be an editor or writer. Our staff is full of self-published Authors with editing experience, story writing, character creation, story boarding, and much more. We can handle the smallest to the largest of projects serving every Author and writer of any kind or style. 

We also offer copywriting services and filing services by being a Designated Agent for the United States Copyright Office. In addition, we also file your works with the Writers Guild of America both East & West. 

As a part of the Mars Rising Network Family of companies, we also offer lists of Literary Agents, Movie Producers, Television Producers, Cable Television Producers, Documentaries & Production, Representative Agents, and much more for a cost that could not be attained for the price we offer. 

Be assured that we are a 5 Star Rated company by the Better Business Bureau, Consumer Affairs, and Facebook. 

Our Customer Service is second to no one and we will always guarantee our work and our price. Once you become a Mars Rising Network Member you will always receive the best price and the best quality we have to offer. 

Jeffrey Benson / CEO


By Jeffrey Benson / CEO of Mars Rising Publishing

Dedicated to my mother: Lucille Benson

As CEO of this company and the Mars Rising Network Family of companies, I was interested in getting involved with the self-publishing business because of the opportunity it represented. However, it was much more than that.

My mother was a writer, Author and published Author. From 1985 to 2005 she wrote 16 short stories and 2 books. She was working on her novella about the civil war, much like Gone with the Wind in its scope and research. She never finished it as she passed away in 2007.

I remember when she told me she was going to be a writer and she began studying about writing and educating herself about the writing process. It was a pivotal moment in her life and one that gave her much joy. She was a happier person with something to look forward to each and every day. She took her writing very seriously and wrote almost every day to constantly improve. All of that hard work paid off as she sold numerous short stories for small amounts of money, but one of her short stories “Liar Liar” in 1990, inspired a major TV movie in 1993 named the same “Liar Liar” was released in Canada. It was also released in the United States, and the United Kingdom under different titles.

It was a groundbreaking story at that time about child molestation and incest which started a new conversation regarding that subject. In 1984 a TV movie named “Something About Amanda” was released and that movie raised the bar of conversation nationally and worldwide. Because of “Liar Liar” 1993 that movie made the issue of child molestation and incest a much larger issue and helped lead the way to change minds and remove the stigma attached to the subject for those subjected to molestation and incest themselves.

I was very proud of my mother for taking that stand on such a forbidden subject for so many years. She did not get any royalties or any recognition for the movie but she did get a $7500 payment for the short story to be published in True Story Magazine in 1990 and it went from there. She had no choice but to give up all rights to the story for the $7500.

I remember we talked about it and at that time she had no other choice. This was before computers and before the internet. There was no opportunity other than submit to the publishers of that time and the way they did things. Unless you were an Author that sold a lot of books you were basically left with no other choice than what they offered you. Even with all of that my mother was always positive and felt she had succeeded in her writing career before she died.

I was always happy of that and seeing the opportunities writers have today it makes me wish she could have had the same opportunity. Life goes on as they say, and that is a big reason I wanted to enter the publishing world. To be able to offer to others today what my mother and other writers did not have in the past.

This is for all writers and Authors, you have a great opportunity today and if you want to succeed, take your work seriously and it will give you fulfillment and happiness. I can only hope you will be as successful and happy as my mother was. I wish all of you the best in your writing experience.

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Cover Design

Book Layout

Book Illustration

Self-Publishing Coaching & Mentoring

Marketing Your Book

Agents, Publishers & More

Copyright Registration

Writers Guild Registration

Trademark Registration