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Cover Design Services

“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” We’ve all heard this before. Unfortunately, it’s not true. Readers make a snap judgement about the quality of your book from the effectiveness of the cover. The wrong font or image can mean scrolling right past you on Amazon. We want to help you make sure this doesn’t happen. Our design experts can help create a cover that feels like it represents your book well and resonates with potential readers.

Basic Cover: The basic cover will utilize sourced images and standard fonts. You’ll receive 3-5 mockups and select your cover from among them. Our cover design experts will create an eBook cover and print cover for your selected image and font pairing. This service does not require that you use our editing services, though it does help to have the input of someone who has read the book.

Dynamic Cover: Have you always wanted a unique, customer cover created by an artist? Well, now you can. You provide an idea for the cover and we will commission one of our in-house artists to create an image that is unique to YOUR book.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact us today!  855-627-7747  or 

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Cover Design

Book Layout

Book Illustration

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Marketing Your Book

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