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Editing Services

Editing elevates writing. Focusing on improving the clarity of your manuscript is essential to delivering a great book. We want to help put you at ease in order to launch the best possible product. We offer three tiers of editing services:

Content editing: Content editing evaluates the style, format, and overall content. The editor will make certain that there is a logical flow to the ideas and themes in your book, as well as address grammar, syntax, and punctuation.

Line editing: The editor will assess each sentence in order to improve your mansucipt. The purpose here is to create writing that is both concise and creative. 

Proofreading: This is generally the last step in an editorial process, as it looks for typos and obvious readability problems. It will not address tone, style, or formatting. However, we can perform a custom proofreading with our custom services with an editor one on one.

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