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Writers Guild Registration

Registering with the Writers Guild of America, East and the Writers Guild of America West establishes the date of creation of literary property, which can help open doors for adapting your book as a visual medium. If you have questions, we’re here to help. Very inexpensive.

The WGA is a center for Producers, Directors, Writers, Movies, Television, and any film studio interested in finding new works of interest to them.

As the World Leader the WGA has been the center of the entertainment community since 1927.

They accept many forms of original creative works such as:

  • Movie & Television Treatments – Stage Plays – Novels – Books – Short Stories – Commercials – Drawings – Music Lyrics – Music itself
  • Scripts – Screenplays – Synopsis – Outlines – Story Ideas – Film Ideas – Digital Content – Web Series & Coding – Any Media Works

We will also put you in front of the best agents in the country to represent you and your creative works.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact us today!  855-627-7747  or 

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Cover Design

Book Layout

Book Illustration

Self-Publishing Coaching & Mentoring

Marketing Your Book

Agents, Publishers & More

Copyright Registration

Writers Guild Registration

Trademark Registration