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Writing Services

We here at Mars Rising Publishing want to help you with whatever your writing needs might be. Whether you’re looking to turn that great idea into a book, script or novel, or if you’re looking for a bit of help completing some website content, we’re here to help. We’ve outlined some of our services below:

Ghostwriting: If you have a great idea and you don’t have the time (or the inclination) to complete it, we want to help. Our best-in-class authors will help you outline the story and then work with you to get it done.

Screenwriting: Everyone wants to write the next great movie. If you’ve been sitting on an idea and aren’t sure how to turn your great idea into a screenplay to put in front of agents and producers, then you’re not alone. Let our writers help turn your dream into a reality.

Website Content: The world is increasingy digital, and having a website helps you carve out some real estate on the internet for your book (and brand). We understand its importance and want to help. We’ll help you build the write content that will help bring avid readers your way. 

We charge on a per-project basis. Please contact us with a proposal for what you need done, and we’ll let you know our rates within 24-48 hours.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact us today!  855-627-7747  or 

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Cover Design

Book Layout

Book Illustration

Self-Publishing Coaching & Mentoring

Marketing Your Book

Agents, Publishers & More

Copyright Registration

Writers Guild Registration

Trademark Registration